Local Bar & Grill Giving Out 3000 Meals
There is a bar and grill in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that will be helping those who are going through tough times with free meals.
According to WOOD, the Garage Bar and Grill at 819 Ottawa Avenue NW are giving away 100 meals a day for the next month for a total of 3000 meals.
The Garage Bar started their program at 10 a.m. Friday. Someone in need can place a phone order for up to 4 people. To order call 616-454-0321.
The free meal plan was set up for those that have been out of work because of the coronavirus.
The owner of the Garage Bar, Kevin Farhat said, "it allows us to keep our cooks cooking, our servers serving. It keeps us whole in a sense and it gives us the opportunity to reach out to other who need it especially those in the service industry, servers, bartenders, places that have shut down."
Farhat went onto say, "this is a very scary time. We're not normal right now. I always say the sun is going to come up. It's going to come up, and we are going to get through this together."
When the owners of the Garage Bar and Grill came up with the idea, it was to only do 25 meals a day but quickly grew to 100 thanks to some sponsors. Cart City, Mechantile Bank and Pioneer Construction are some of the top sponsors of this great program.
If support for this effort continues to grow, the owners say they will continue to expand the program.
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