Is Michigan Facing A Triple Threat? Flu, COVID, And Norovirus Cases Soar
Is your throat feeling scratchy and weird? Got a fever?
The (slightly) good news is that you are not the only one dealing with both flu and COVID are running wild across the United States
During this winter, cold and flu season, you need to be prepared as much as possible.

⬇️ READ BELOW: Michigan's Suggested Remedies for Flu and COVID Symptoms ⬇️
COVID & Flu Cases Rising
According to the CDC, cases of respiratory illnesses are high throughout most states.
However, is this a surprise?
After all of our holiday get-togethers and traveling, it makes sense why COVID and flu cases tend to spike afterward.
While we are focused on the rise of COVID and flu cases, another virus is ramping up across the country and internationally.
Have you heard of norovirus?
What Is Norovirus?
First off, norovirus is not an illness to 'play with.'
According to Michigan.gov, noroviruses causes the stomach flu in people.
"Noroviruses are a group of viruses that cause gastroenteritis (GAS-tro-en-ter-Itis), in people. Norovirus is known incorrectly as the “stomach flu”. Norovirus is NOT related to the flu (influenza), which is a respiratory illness caused by a different virus. The term norovirus was recently approved as the official name for this group of viruses; previously it had been referred to as “Norwalk virus” or “Norwalk-like virus.”
The symptoms typically start between 24-48 hours after you have been exposed to the virus. Those symptoms include the following:
- nausea
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- stomach cramping
- low-grade fever
- chills
- headache
- muscle aches
- tiredness
These symptoms typically last 1 to 3 days and "have no long-term health effects from the illness."
As of now, there are no specific medications or vaccines to fight against norovirus. It also cannot be treated with antibiotics.
How To Protect Against Norovirus
The CDC recommends that you wash your hands frequently and regularly.
Since "about 50% of all outbreaks of food-related illness are caused by norovirus," make sure your shellfish is fully cooked through and all fruit and vegetables are thoroughly washed before you eat them.
It is also recommended to clean and disinfect all contaminated surfaces and wash your clothes/laundry in hot water to kill the virus.
It might be smart to stock up on masks as you leave your home and travel, especially through airports.
For more information, you can visit the CDC's website on norovirus or check a norovirus fact sheet that the state of Michigan created.
Michigan's Suggested Remedies for Flu and COVID Symptoms
Gallery Credit: Lisha B