9 Animals That You Can’t Have as a Pet in Michigan
When you think of a pet in Michigan, you're mind probably goes to a cat or a dog, and not one of the others animals that is illegal to own in Michigan.
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If you're a Michigander looking to add a pet to the family, you should probably go someplace like Preuss Pets or your local Humane Society. The Humane Society sees plenty of puppies, kittens, dogs, cats, and more that could use a loving home. And a place like Preuss Pets has pets that are a bit different that your "common" pets, but still totally legal within the state of Michigan, like fish, spiders, and reptiles.
There are quite a few animals that are illegal to own with the state of Michigan. The law says so. Namely animals that are not native to America.
Animals That are Illegal to Have as Pets in Michigan
So, before you start Googling "how to take care of a lion", take a look at the list of illegal pets below. Just a heads up, there are a LOT of big cats that made the list.
Wolf-Dog Hybrids

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Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews
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