Ten More Former Michigan Drive-In Theaters: Big Rapids to Saginaw
Here's another batch of former Michigan drive-in theaters; a few are still somewhat visible from the air, but most sites have been paved over and used for other commercial buildings.
The ten drive-ins depicted in the gallery below are:
CARO Drive-In
CASEVILLE – Blue Sky Drive-In
DETROIT – Bel Air Drive-In
JACKSON – Bel-Air Drive-In
PONTIAC – Blue Sky Drive-In
SAGINAW – Bel-Air Drive-In
The ones that still have outlines of where the drive-in parking spots are Saginaw's Bel-Air, and Caseville's Blue Sky. As for the remaining eight, you can still get a feel for them, even though there are very scant visuals to where they were.

The Saginaw Bel-Air still retains the 'enter' and 'exit' drives, and from the satellite view you can see the rows of parking spots covered in grass, weeds, and brush.
Caseville's Blue Sky 'enter' and 'exit' drives are barely there, but you can still see them from the main road, cut off by the brush. As with Saginaw's Bel-Air, the satellite view of Caseville's theater makes it very clear to see the overgrown parking rows and where the concession stand/projection room used to be.
The toughest one is the Caro Drive-In, demolished, paved over, and a Wal-Mart taking its place. Jackson's very popular Bel-Air was viewable for decades after it closed, but now its been taken over by storage facilities. Most of the others, you can get a pretty good idea how they looked. Now see for yourself in the gallery below!
Ten More Former Michigan Drive-In Theaters
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