Famous Michigan Ice Cream Shop: “Don’t Bring Parties Or We’ll Charge You A $500 Fee”
As we get into spring and get closer to summer in Michigan, ice cream shops everywhere in Southwest Michigan will be a regular stop. There are so many great ice cream shops that were started in Michigan. It’s hard to choose what the best one is but arguably one of the most popular is Moo-Ville Creamery in Nashville, Michigan.
Apparently, this famous ice cream shop has had enough of people showing up with parties and made a public statement recently, coming off somewhat rude, but also irritated at the same time, explaining why:

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We do NOT host parties indoor or outdoor of any sort. Please do not bring your parties to MOO-ville for inside or outside use. Parties entails you bringing in: your balloons, your decorations, your tablecloths, your pizza boxes, your wrapping paper. We try to keep our prices reasonable, offer a safe area for parents to relax and enjoy watching their kids have fun, and accommodate the public, but we do not provide parties.
All that being said, there may be a good reason they're tired of parties coming unannounced, seeing as apparently, people don't know how to clean up after themselves. Therefore, they're claiming parties that show up will be charged a TON of money :
Our janitor is fantastic, and she doesn’t want the extra work when you bring your parties and leave our free facility trashed, bring in your grills to cook your food, or leave all your decorations on the tables and bring in outside food & cakes. R&D Pizza and Good Time Pizza in Nashville both offer room rentals. The park in Nashville has a free pavilion. But if you bring your party to MOO-ville, there will be a $500 fee.
Do you think they're serious about the $500 fee? Do you think this business move was immature or rude?