The 6 Habits You’ll Pick Up by Moving to Michigan
It's no secret, I'm a Michigan transplant. I moved here about three years ago, and it was certainly an adjustment. The United States is technically one country, but within its borders are so many other regional cultures.
I learned quickly when I moved to Michigan, the culture here, deep in the Midwest, was FAR different than the things I was raised on, and I was going to have to adapt. And in my time now in the state, I've realized... I've picked up some interesting new habits.

There are certain things that are very "Midwest" about Michigan. Things like saying "Ope" when you bump into somebody, or "just gonna scooch right past ya." There's also some local delicacies that I've had to learn about, including Superman Ice Cream, and taking a shot of Malort when I pop over to Chicago for a concert.
But it's specifically the #PureMichigan things I've picked up that even my friends and family back home have called me out on, and now, I want to know if any other newly-acclimated Michiganders have noticed the same changes in them.
It's called "Pop"
I've bucked this one since I moved here. I said "pop" when I was a kid, but somewhere around Middle School, it felt childish to not call it "soda" anymore, so the switch was made. But by God, Michigan, you are diggin' in on this one, and REFUSE to shy away from "pop."
I still mostly say "soda," despite not drinking much of it myself, but dammit Michigan, you got to me. Because I have now caught myself, and others have noticed, me saying "pop" when I grab a Faygo from the fridge.
Faygo and Vernor's Are Life
I'd seen both of these pops (dammit) SODAS... before, but NEVER in the variety and capacity that I have in Michigan. Of course, they're Michigan staples, and were created here, and if there's one thing I've learned about Michiganders, they are FIERCELY loyal to local brands.
Now, you won't catch me with a Mountain Dew: Code Red, it's a Red Pop or Rockin' Rye.
As for Vernor's, well, it's literally medicine, and any time I'm even feeling SLIGHTLY sick, one of those mini cans of Vernor's Ginger Ale will literally cure you. Hell, it might fix a broken leg, but I haven't had a chance to test that theory yet.
Insane Clown Posse is Actually Okay
Listen, I went to high school in the early 2000s. I'm the class of 2003 in my hometown, and I was a fan of hard rock and hip hop. So, of course in my younger, more immature years, I had copies of Riddle Box, and The Great Milenko, and The Amazing Jeckel brothers. I still have a smile come across my face when I see the cover to "The Wraith: Hell's Pit" in my cd wallet.
But that's been more than 20 years ago, and I've grown up, I've matured, and I'm over that time of my life... or so I thought.
Moving to Michigan has given me a newfound respect for the Insane Clown Posse. Not just what they've done for their own music, and for the independent music scene, AND for the free marketing of Faygo Pop (DAMMIT) Soda... but behind the scenes, despite all the hate against Juggalos, they have given so much back to their communities, it's insane. And even if you're NOT a fan of their music, Michiganders love these crazy clowns.
Wrong Party Store
Yes, Michigan still has liquor stores, and thankfully, you can buy most alcohol from simple grocery stores here, too. (Not where I grew up, unfortunately.) BUT, the addition of the "Party Store" to the mix has thrown me.
Wrapping my head around the idea that this isn't a Michigan version of Party City has been difficult, but now, when I go out of state and go looking for the Party Stores, I usually end up in a costume store.
Becoming a Beer Snob
Where I grew up, we had microbreweries. They were fine, I guess, and made some interesting flavors, but I could still put them up against a Budweiser, or Amberbock and still enjoy the bigger brands.
Not Anymore. Michigan has RUINED me on big domestic-name beers. The biggest-name brands I might drink now are Bell's or Founder's, but even those are right from the source in the taphouse, rather than shipped across the country in a can. The beer scene in Michigan has absolutely changed me, and now, if someone puts a Budweiser in front of me, it's like choking down slightly alcoholic tea made with bermuda grass.
When I travel, I bring my own cooler now, stocked with Presidential, Bell's, Founder's, and Saugatuck.
"Oh, I live..." (Points to hand)
You simply can't do this in any other state you live in. Even if you live in the U.P., you can turn your hand sideways, and the thumb becomes the Keweenaw Peninsula. It's a perfect design, and any other state that CLAIMS they can do the same (Wisconsin) is a boldface LIAR!
It's honestly a great tool, though, because everybody understands it. I couldn't do this in Kansas, or Texas. And if I tried it for Oklahoma, I just looked dumb, like I was pointing strangely to the person next to me... or worse, pointing at NOTHING, while pointing again at my pointing hand.
So yeah, there's just a handful of the BIGGEST habits I've picked up, but I'm sure there's others. What else should I be on the lookout for?
The Top 10 Items on Michigan's Bucket List
Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews