There's no shame in admitting, I was a band kid growing up. I was in concert, jazz, and marching band, and I know how difficult it is to learn how to play an instrument. Couple with that, the aspect of moving, and marching in formation on a field for Marching band, it's an incredible display of concentration.

But this... this is a whole new thing that I never thought I'd ever see, let alone see it done well! The Dutch Bicycling 'Marching' Band from The Netherlands figuratively blew my mind.

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We all know about Holland High School, and the loudest marching band in the world - mostly because of their wooden shoes. They were on display for this year's Tulip time, too, and it's always a treat to see and hear them.

But this year at Tulip Time, fans were treated to a band from the European city of Holland, and a feat that I never even thought would be possible - an entire marching band, performing on bicycles.

They're a Dutch showband called Bicycle Showband Crescendo, and they travel around Europe with their show. This was their first ever trip to the United States.

They had multiple 30-minute performances at Ray and Sue Smith Stadium in Holland this past weekend, and wowed audiences .


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Let me just offer perspective, for those who didn't get a chance to be in a marching band when they were kids, this is incredibly hard.

You have to know your music, and keep an eye on the conductor to make sure you're all in time. Seems easy enough, until you add in moving around on an open field, in unison with dozens of other people, forming shapes and symbols.

There's little to no room for error... and THIS band does it on bicycles, while wearing wooden shoes!!!!

It's incredible, and I hope they come again, because the crowds loved it.

Seven Times the Ohio State University Marching Band Played Classic Rock

Every Michigander is born with a hatred of Ohio State. We have a sliver of proof that something good may indeed come out of Columbus once in a while. In October of 2021, the Buckeyes performed a tribute to Rush at halftime. Crank it up as we found seven more performances of the Buckeye marching band belting out classic rock staples.

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