Would You Try Gummy Candy In the Shape of Your Favorite Foods?
Deep down inside, I'm still a child! There is nothing I like more than a trip down the candy aisle at the store. I don't always buy some of the sugary goodies, but it is always fun to see what is available.
Recently, while in a Five Below store in the Grand Rapids area, I discovered some uniquely shaped Gummy candies. Would you try any of these?
Mac and Cheese Gummies
Macaroni and Cheese seems to be a popular flavor for a lot of things. You may remember back in 2021 when the Van Leeuwen Ice Cream company teamed up with Kraft for a Macaroni and Cheese flavored French Ice Cream. Now it looks like the makers of Gummy candies have teamed up with Kraft to make a Mac and Cheese shaped Gummy. The box says they are "Artificially Flavored" so I'm not sure if they taste like Mac and Cheese or not.
Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Gummies
If Mac and Cheese just isn't your thing, how about some Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Gummies? I wonder how they'd taste with some ketchup and mustard?! I think I'll pass on these too.
Oscar Mayer Bacon Gummies
Bacon has become a very popular food for a lot people. I have seen bacon added into just about everything. It's even used on top of doughnuts at some bakeries! But how about a Oscar Mayer Bacon Gummy? Of the three unique Gummies, this is the one I probably would have tried. Unfortunately, the box says they are "Fruit Flavored" and not bacon flavored. I guess they are just made to look like bacon.
Claussen Pickle Gummy
I didn't see these in the store, but on the Frankford website they list a Kraft Gummy Snack Pack that includes the Mac and Cheese, a Hot Dog, and Claussen Pickle Gummies. A three pack is available through Amazon.com for about $15

6 Candy Bars Nobody Thinks About Anymore, But Still Exist
Gallery Credit: mwolfe