Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about tomorrow's BaCon, with Chris Hudson from the Deltaplex. What could be better than bacon, beer, and crazy combinations of both?
It only took about 20 minutes for a jury to acquit Jonathan A. Powell a Michigan man facing third-degree child abuse charges after being accused of beating his daughter with bacon.
On Sunday, December 27, a man reportedly approached the entrance of a mosque in Las Vegas, but instead of trying to enter, he wrapped bacon around the door handles.
With BaCon 2015 this weekend at the Deltaplex, we've had some amazing competitors bringing in lots of happiness of bacon in many different forms. We just had Grill 111 in Rockford come in, and feed us some amazing food, all with a hint of their bacon secret!
With BaCon just around the corner, hitting the Deltaplex this Saturday, October 24th, we've been lucky enough to get to sample some amazing bacon dishes! Today, the lovely ladies from The Melting Pot brought by some fondue, with beer, bourbon, bacon, and cheese! What food could sound better than that, right?
BaCon is this Saturday, October 24th, and is where everyone who's awesome will be. Because the Deltaplex will be filled with bacon and beer, and who wouldn't want to be surrounded with those amazing things?
The third BaCon is hitting the Deltaplex this Saturday, October 24th, and we can't wait! Everything bacon and beer will be served up, with a huge competition for restaurants and breweries to serve up the most amazing bacon dish!
BaCon, a bacon and beer celebration hits the Deltaplex this weekend!
I had the pleasure of chatting with Denae from Anna's House, who shared with us some of Anna's House's great breakfast foods-- including a waffle covered in bacon! Denae also spilled the beans on what dish Anna's House is bringing to BaCon 2015.