Funny Moments When The Show Used The “Dump” Button
Hi Idiots.
One of the lovely parts about being on this show is that a lot of the time it feels like us just hanging out. As a result, sometimes we forget where we are and that our FCC overlords are always listening. Thankfully, we have a lifesaving button that has become an unofficial member of the show:
The Dump Button [insert angel chorus here]
This lovely little square cuts ~7 seconds of audio so we can attempt to block the naughty part from going out over the airwaves. It's a pretty smart setup, especially when you have callers on who can be a little unpredictable at times (or hosts like us).
Times when we need to use the dump button usually result in some pretty funny moments, and I'm sure there are far more than we're going to mention here. If you have a clip of one that isn't shown here, shoot it over to tommy@freebeerandhotwings.com so I can add it to this list.
Boring Sh-
Let's start with one that happened yesterday, and work our way back. In this clip, Hot Wings got a little too comfortable while reminiscing about a video from his college days and forgot he wasn't on Segment 17.
There's no video clip for this, but you can hear the audio of a moment from a few weeks ago with Kelly at the link below.
Read More: Kelly's Over-Confidence Was Met With A Quick Dump Button
Steve Van WHO?
Free Beer made a little oopsie when pronouncing Steve Van Gundy's name.
Steven A WHO...again?
In this clip, Free Beer failed to pronounce another sports commentator named Steve's name properly. If I had a nickel for the number of times that's happened I'd have two, but it's weird that it happened twice. Steve's (ANOTHER STEVE wow) reaction here is fantastic.
An Ironic Dump
This one makes me smile because Free Beer mispronounces the word "explicit" in a way that is deemed explicit. It takes a special kind of talent to pull that one off.
Last But Not Least...
This is the ultimate dump button. I had a dump button moment in my first month on the show and was embarrassed, and the team consoled me with the story of the time Kelly flat-out dropped the F-bomb on air. This is that moment. You are a blessing to us all, Kelly Cheese.
I am certain there are more dump moments out there, so tell us your favorite time on Facebook.
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