FBHW Media Recap: Severance, I Hope This Finds You Well, and More
Hi Idiots.
Like many of you, we very much enjoy our free time. Also like many of you, we fill that time by watching a lot of television and reading plenty of books (especially Kelly, that girl is a machine when it comes to reading). We like to talk about the things we're watching on the show. As a result, we get plenty of texts like
What was that show you guys were talking about earlier?
What was the name of that book Kelly was reading?
Well, fear no more Idiots, for I have done the unthinkable: I've written down all the things we've talked about and put them into a nice little list for you to find everything in one convenient spot. You're welcome!
Whether you're looking for a show to watch a night time or a book to read/listen to while you're doing chores, here is what we consumed in January 2025:
TV Shows/Movies
Severance Season 2 - Apple TV+
Okay, let's get the big one out of the way. Apple TV+'s Severance came out in 2022 and was a certified hit, rocking a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes and nearly everyone saying this is must-see television. Every worker in the show's memories is separated from their personal lives and work lives, with the person being unable to remember work while at home and vice versa.
What exactly is their job, and why does it require this level of secrecy? That's what this is all about. After 3 long years, season 2 has finally come out and everyone is obsessed with it again, even if they don't remember how season 1 ended. If you've never seen it, now is the time.
You Can't Ask Me That - Netflix
According to Daily Mail, this show is about everyday people who are part of marginalized groups answering questions that are considered "insensitive" to ask. For example, one overweight person may be bluntly asked "Why are you fat?" Questions people would be afraid to ask to one's face but are curious about knowing.
Younger - Netflix
Imagine you're 40 years old, a newly single mother, and trying to start fresh. Wouldn't it be helpful if you could just go back 20 years and be "young" again, at least in the eyes of your employer? That's what Liza does in this fun show from the creators of Sex and the City.
Sweetpea - STARZ
Does someone ever make you so angry that you just want to strangle them (metaphorically)? Your boss, the boy you like but won't commit, the woman at the supermarket? Well, what if you actually went through with it? Rhiannon Lewis played by Ella Purnell (Fallout, Yellowjackets) has spent her whole life being overlooked and one day she finally snaps - and she doesn't mind who she has become. She's finally getting noticed...but for all the wrong reasons.
Kelly's goal to read one book a week is off to a break-neck pace. Here's what she's been reading.
I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue
Imagine you accidentally got access to all your coworker's emails. Would you report the error to management, or take a peek at what everyone has to say when they don't think anyone is looking? When Jolene learns more than she bargains for, she hatches a plan to save her job, but it may come at the cost of everyone else's trust.
The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins
Have you ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated with where you are, feeling like you're giving too much to other people? Maybe you waste too much energy on what you can't control and need to start focusing on YOU. Mel Robbins says there's a simple solution: Let Them. Let them think that thing about you, let them ignore your advice. This is a guide on how to prioritize your well-being over others.
Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver
When it comes to love, people say there is a person out there for everyone. That adage feels a little off, however, when you are a serial killer falling for another serial killer. It's good to have a hobby to bond over, but that hobby being murder can cause all kinds of trouble. When the ghosts of those they've left behind catch up, can they keep their love for each other (and murder 😬) alive?
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