Are you wondering why you're seeing a lot of spiders all of a sudden? Here's why...

Spiders are a scary thin to encounter when you're going to use the bathroom at three in the morning, but it's important to remember that most spiders are your friends, even the big ugly ones.

Spider season means it's late summer and spiders are trying to line up mates for the long, cold winter, so they come out of their hiding places and are actively using their Tinder app to find a perfect match.

Keep in mind, they've been in and around your house the whole time, they're just being seen a lot more. Don't panic and let them find a mate so they'll leave you alone.

The pest control folks at Terminex will help put your mind at ease (or maybe not):

You may encounter some house spiders in late summer and early fall that have migrated into your home, but they are not necessarily outdoor migrants seeking a place to stay warm during the winter.

Most spiders' breeding seasons coincide with the transition from summer to fall. If you see more spiders than usual around your home during these months, chances are they're mature males wandering far and wide in search of a mate.

So once the dude spiders find a mate, they'll leave you alone, right?:

Unlike humans, spiders are considered cold-blooded creatures since they don’t have a mechanism to regulate body temperature. When it's cold, some spider species go through a process of cold-hardening to survive the winter.

Beyond the chemical transformation in their bodies, many spiders seek shelter in piles of rocks, leaves or wood. Once snuggled up, spiders enter a slowdown state called diapause. In diapause, spiders are not completely inactive. Instead, they may emerge on warmer days to hunt and feed on any insect prey that may be active during this time.

You've now received way too much information.

Just remember, spiders keep other pests like mosquitoes and flies at bay, so don't be too judgey.






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