It’s Never Too Early To Prepare for Deer Season
With the pandemic and trying to find things to do with my son that is safe, we decided to to put together a couple treestands to get ready for deer season.
It may seem crazy to be thinking about deer season to some, but die hard hunters like others and myself, tend to think about deer season all year long.
Not a day goes by that I don't look out back from my picture window in hopes of seeing a deer, turkey or maybe even a bear. I haven't seen a bear yet but its just a matter of time. Heck when I am driving to and from work, I am constantly checking every field for animals.
So this past weekend my son and I put two treestands together. Well one, and most of another. That second stand was really complicated and it took a few evenings this week to complete but that one will hold both my son and I and should be perfect for many years of memories together.
Now granted my son is only seven so I do most of the work but he loves it when I really need help and is able to lend a hand. A lot of what we do when we have projects likes this, is talk.
Some people think hunting and fishing are only about bringing game home and perhaps to some it is. What I have found over the years that the talking to my son or dad or a good hunting buddy, was really where the fun is. Yes its nice to get a big ol' buck or nice big turkey but the conversations leading to those moments and after are priceless.
So if you are looking for something to do and enjoy the outdoors and can safely get out while practicing social distancing, it may not be too early to start working on getting that buck for next year.