If You’re 65+ There’s A Rock Club With Your Hours In Michigan
If you're 65 or older and love to rock but thought there is no place to party that keeps the same hours as you? There's a club in Michigan where you can rock out.
You're Never Too Old To Rock
If you think you're too old to rock out and have a good time, look at the Rolling Stones and then through that idea out the window because you're never too old to rock 'n' roll. Maybe not dress like the guy in the picture above but you get the idea.
Why Don't Old People Like To Go Out?
It's not that old people don't like to go out, there are just not a lot of places that cater to their needs like offering entertainment geared to them or getting in bed at a decent time.
Who you callin' old, dem there's fightin' words. Calm down old man and let me tell you more about a place you might like to hang out with people your own age and enjoy some live rock 'n' roll.
Geezer Happy Hour @ Live
This would be a great idea for a place in West Michigan but a club in Ann Arbor has been doing this for years so seniors can have a good time and enjoy some live music at a decent hour.
The club is called "Live" and from September to May on Fridays from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. there is live music and dancing for older people to enjoy. The event is actually called "Ann Arbor Happy Hour at Live."
If you would like to join the party, Live is located at 102 S 1st St, Ann Arbor. You don't have to be 65 or older to go but most people who attend are senior citizens.