How Many UFOs Have Been Reported in Michigan So Far For 2023?
UFO sightings are more common in Michigan than you may think and you might be surprised how many reported sightings have already happened in 2023.

UFOs: They're Out There Over Michigan
Michiganders are paying much more attention to what is in the sky above them and thanks to camera phones, many more sightings have been getting documented.
UFOs are nothing new to people in West Michigan, especially after one of the largest sightings to ever be recorded was seen by over 300 witnesses in 1994. Witnesses stated seeing a brightly lit sky on a clear night with 3 strange lights flying overhead.
The U.S. Air Force sent two experienced pilots in a F-89 Scorpion jet in 1953, to restricted air space near the Soo Locks at Michigan's Kinross base when something strange was picked up on the radar. The jet chased the object for nearly 30 minutes when the jet and the UFO disappeared from the radar and the two pilots were never heard of again and the plane has never been recovered.
Another legendary UFO sighting occurred in 1966, in southeast Michigan when there were hundreds of reports of a pyramid-shaped object landing in a swamp. A truck driver and his son went into the swamp to get a closer look and they said the object was pyramid shaped with blue-green lights but was later written off by authorities as swamp gas. Needless to say, Michiganders have seen their share of UFOs over the years.
How Many UFOs Have Been Spotted In Michigan So Far In 2023?
According to Nextar Media Wire, the National UFO Reporting Center (NURORC), is a non-governmental, nonprofit corporation that investigates UFO sightings. NUFORC has been investigating UFO sightings since 1974.
So far Michigan has reported 60 UFO sightings in 2023 but by no means have Michiganders reported the most UFOs this year. California has reported 237 and Florida has reported 170. Oddly, in Nevada, which is the home to Area 51 there have been only 23 reported sightings. We still have a few months left in the calendar year so keep your eye on the sky and have your camera phone ready.
Reported UFO Sightings Over Michigan in 2023
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