Have a Drink with WGRD on St. Patrick’s Day
Friday is St. Patrick's Day, and we all want to take the day off. Most of us can't, but maybe we can swing a half-day! So join me and Janna at 2pm here in the WGRD parking lot, and we'll all go have a green beer to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!
Janna and I, along with Rob from our sister station Channel 95.7 are going to skip out of work for a bit at 2, and lead what we're calling the "World's Least Organized Tiny Parade" to a nearby bar for some beers. Join us, and we'll drink some green, and wear some green. We can then run back to work.
You can stay and party if you want, or if you have to go back to work, like we do, you can do that! But at least we'll have escaped for a little while, right?
There's really not more more to it...we want to have a drink on the holiday, we don't get the day off, so we're going to skip for a little bit. You should too! It'll be fun!