Grand Rapids Might Start Charging for Meters Nights and Weekends
You know that awesome feeling you get when you realize it's Sunday and you don't have to scrape together some change to feed the meter?
Yeah, that feeling could possibly go away in Grand Rapids in 2019.
MLive reports Grand Rapids' Mobile GR and Parking Services Department is recommending expanding the hours you have to pay at meters to 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 8 p.m. on Sunday.
As it is now, most Grand Rapids meters parking are free after 6p.m. on weekdays and all weekend.
The City's Mobile GR and Parking Manager, Josh Naramore, told MLive the idea is "very preliminary" and they want the public's feedback before making any decisions.
As of Tuesday, November 27, you've got three weeks to tell the Mobile GR and Parking Services what you think by calling 616-456-3290 or emailing mobilegr@grcity.us.
Mobile GR and Parking Services plans to present its final recommendations to the City in January.
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