Grand Rapids Ranks Among Top Ten Cities to Find A Cuddle Buddy This Winter
Cold weather got you looking for someone to snuggle? Good news if you're in Grand Rapids - a new study has found GR among the top ten cities in the U.S. for "Cuffing Season" with optimal chances of finding a +1.

Not sure what "Cuffing Season" means? Basically, it's when the weather gets colder and we start to look around for someone to hook-up with to pass the bleak winter months...
Or as MoveBudda.com describes it,
October to Valentine’s Day is the time of year when even the most fiercely independent singles may start to long for the comfort and warmth that a romantic partner can provide – even if it’s just to tide them over ‘til spring.
And according to their recent study, Grand Rapids is one of the top cities where "cold weather, a young population, and ample activities combine to make for a seasonal boom in the dating market".
To determine their ranking, MoveBudda analyzed U.S. cities with populations over 100K for the following criteria:
- Wintery weather
- Activities for couples
- Demographics favorable for young singles
- Vaccination rates
Grand Rapids ranked as the No. 9 City in the U.S. for cuffing season.
Another Michigan city actually took the top spot: Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor, MI is the #1 city for coupling up this winter. Not only is nearly half of the population aged 18-34, but Ann Arbor has over 193 restaurants and 25 museums per 100k residents, meaning you’ll have plenty of places to pick between for date night. Here, the odds are especially in favor of single girls seeking single guys: the population is 48.5% female to 51.5% male.
Here's MoveBudda's full ranking:
- Ann Arbor, MI
- Rochester, NY
- Buffalo, NY
- Madison, WI
- Syracuse, NY
- Minneapolis, MN
- Dayton, OH
- Cleveland, OH
- Grand Rapids, MI
- Denver, CO
It's not just winter time that's good for those looking for love in Grand Rapids - according to another recent study, GR is great for singles any time of year.
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