GR Woman Part of 1st All Women Spacewalk Set to Launch
A woman from Grand Rapids will be making history at the International Space Station for the 1st all women spacewalk
According to WOOD, Thursday, weather permitting a Grand Rapids native by the name of Christina Koch will be launching from Kazakhstan at 3:14 p.m. Eastern Time for a trip to the International Space Station.
This particular walk will be historic because this will be the first all women spacewalk.
Koch entered the astronaut program six years ago after personally being selected by NASA. Koch is a flight engineer and will also being going to space a second time following the current mission.
Koch has trained vigorously for this opportunity working in a pool big enough to hold a model of the International Space Station just for her first time in space.
Koch said, "After six years of training, I'm ready to just give back to this program that I've always held in such high regard. I'm ready to contribute everything that the training program has given me, and to just give back. And I hope to be able to look back on the expedition as one that has taken everything that we know and have learned so far in space exploration to the next level, and contribute it to our future goals of going back to the moon and eventually Mars."
If all goes as planned, the historic seven hour spacewalk will happen March 29th. Koch will again return to ISS in October.