Governor Whitmer Announced Steps for Schools To Reopen
Getting kids back to school safely is a big deal for any parent let alone the Michigan school system. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced her steps to reopen in the fall.
I have a 7-year-old son who is just getting started with all the fun we can safely have this summer during a pandemic. Luckily I live in the middle of nowhere where there are tons of things for a little boy to do with no contact with other people.
The thought of sending him back to go school has been weighing on me for quite some time. Yes school is a few months away but the uncertainty of how school will be this fall has been on the back of my mind ever since schools shut their doors.
According to FOX 17, Governor Whitmer announced that schools may resume in person learning as a part of phase 4 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan.
On June 30 we will finally get to see the whole plan Whitmer has called "Michigan's Return to School Roadmap", that will be released and what the requirements that will be in place for schools.
I am very interested in seeing the full roll out of this plan. Yes I want my son to continue his education but I want it to be in the safest way possible.
What scientists have said up until now is that kids under 20 seem to catch COVID-19 much less than anyone over the age of 20, but it still means they can catch it and if they are a symptomatic, it doesn't mean they can't quietly spread it to other family members and especially to those over 65.
What we know right now is that there are six phases of the MI Safe Start Plan as of right now and if there is any evidence of the virus spreading when school does start in a particular community, there is a plan to move back phases to find the right adjustment for kids and school staff to be safe.
According to FOX 17, Whitmer said, "our students and educators have made incredible sacrifices these past few months to protect themselves and their families from the spread of COVID-19. Thanks to our aggressive action against this virus, those who have done their part to flatten the curve, and the heroes on the front lines, I am optimistic that we will return to in person learning in the fall. Schools must make sure to enact strict safety measures to continue protecting educators, students, and their families. I will continue working closely with the Return to Learn Advisory Council and leaders in health care to ensure we get this right, but we also need more flexibility and support from the federal government. This crisis has had serious implications on our budget, and we need federal support if we're going to get this right for our kids."
I look forward to seeing the full plan at the end of the month.