Got The New Flower Bed Dug & Edged
Landscaping is not easy work but it can be some of the most gratifying once you get it done.
I bought an old farm house a couple of years ago that was not lived in for about 4 or 5 years prior to me buying the place so needless to say things were a bit grown up around the house and property.
For the past three years I have been slowly cleaning up around the property and creating some nice landscaping to go around the house.
I moved all the big rocks and boulders that were wrapped around the house last year and that was a big project so I only got my backside of the house landscaped. It turned out really nice and only one bush out of 11 items didn't make it so I planted a new bush to replace it and the back turned out great.
This year I finally got the front flower bed dug up and the edger put in place. This is not your ordinary flower bed, this one goes the length of the house and garage so this is a long flower bed.
I moved all the old top soil out and that was a lot of dirt being moved by shovel and wheelbarrow but I had to get it level so the edger would be straight.
I have loaded my top soil in 90% of the bed. I ran out of the soil I got from my neighbor so either I get a couple extra scoops from him and pick up 8 to 10 bags but either way I have to get the weed preventer material on this week.
I have friends coming into town this weekend so I won't be able to plant until the next weekend but I know what I want to put in and will have to post a finished product once I get the gravel in after it is planted.