Going To My Parents’ For First Time Since the Pandemic
Normally I get to see my parents on a regular basis since moving back to Michigan but since the pandemic kicked in, it has changed everything.
Aside from my young son and his older brother, the main reason I came back to Michigan was to see my family more often and for the first year and a half I have been able to spend more time with my family than ever.
That all changed when the pandemic caused the shutdown in Michigan on March 16, 2020.
Like most everyone, this was my first experience with anything like this and for the first thirty days, I was just trying to figure all this out. So I canceled some trips to see my parents and only saw my son very minimally for the first month.
When I began to understand this more, it allowed me to get back on a normal schedule with my son but that didn't solve anything for my parents.
My parents live on the other side of the state but they are in their 70s and the last thing I wanted to do was go visit and be the one to bring COVID-19 into the household.
My dad had a heart issue a little over ten years ago and since quit smoking but this puts him at high risk for complications with the virus. Mom has had pretty solid health but she is still in the age group where things can go wrong.
My parents and I both kept waiting for things to get better and they just don't seem to. Plus I didn't want them to make the trip here and have to stop at a gas station or a rest area and have them somehow come in contact with the virus.
I finally just couldn't take not seeing them anymore not to mention they haven't seen their grandson since back in the winter so my son and I are making the road trip this weekend to visit.
I feel weird though, should I wear a mask while visiting, should I give them a hug, I have never had to make decisions like this.
I gonna play it safe and bring our masks, hand sanitizer, and some alcohol wipes and play it by ear. Nonetheless, my son and I will finally get to see them for a couple days even if we are sitting on the opposite sides of the deck, it will still be nice to be in the same vicinity for a few days.