Getting Ready For Deer Season… But it’s Summer
Many Michigan deer hunters like to get ready for deer season at different times, and for some of us, it's a year-round thing.
For me, preparing for deer season is a year-round thing I enjoy doing. I hunt on my own property for most of the hunt, so I constantly am monitoring my land.
I worked a deal out with a farmer to put out some corn on some of the acreage to hopefully get more visitors to my land this year seeing how we are not allowed to bait.
The previous owners of the land I purchased have had corn on the land for years but when I bought the place I didn't get to know any farmers until it was too late to plant.
I like to get my trail cameras out in late June or no later than the first week of July. The bucks horns do the majority of their growing in July and early August, plus you get to see them in velvet and when they rub it off.
Bucks tend to be in bachelor groups during the summer months and some will even stick together all the way into October.
This year I put out cameras but have not checked any of them, as I'm trying to reduce the amount of traffic near my stands and areas that I am monitoring.
I actually use cameras all the way into January to see what deer made it through the season. I usually reduce the number of cameras based on the weather. I've bought a lot of trail cams over the years and the colder temperatures seem to do the most damage to them.
From a far, I have seen most of the usual deer that I saw last year and they are a little bigger, but nothing that is shootable yet. I'll know more when I check the cameras in a few weeks.
I am waiting for the right day in August to put up two more stands on the property which will give me four options based on wind and time of day to decide where to hunt. I hope to add three more stands next year. I know it seems like overkill but I don't like to hunt the same stand all the time. Plus, I like to save a couple spots that I will only hunt during the rut.
Funny thing is, last year, I put up two stands knowing I would have corn this year so the two spots were not that good. I put up a ground blind not far from my barn and saw the most deer so my son could get up close to some and get used to being in a stand.
Hopefully you are in an area that you can customize to increase your chance of seeing better deer.
Each year I do a little more to make the habitat better for wildlife. I know the deer have been eyeing the corn and have been enjoying some of the greens I have planted for them.
It never hurts to chat with the DNR about things that will make your area better and if you have a lot of property, you can actually partner with the DNR on pinpointing exactly what your land will need.
In the future I plan to plant some apple, pear and persimmon trees. Plus, I want to plant some sorghum that will surround my cornfield. Then get a few small food plots near some stands as well.
I know many Michigan hunters that have their own property put trails through their woods. Those trails are good to plant a variety of foliage that animals will eat since they like to use trails as well.
It is a lot of fun getting ready for deer season and a great way to spend some time with my boys. So find out what works for you, spend some time with your family or hunting buddies preparing for the upcoming hunt and enjoy your 2020 deer season.

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