Get Your Pronto Pups This Weekend
Normally, you can only get a Pronto Pup in Grand Haven during the summer months. But one weekend out of every winter, they open up to give us a chance to get our Pronto Pup fix to hold us through until the warmer weather gets here.
The Pronto Pup Winter Weekend will be this coming weekend -- Thursday, January 14th through Sunday, January 17th. Their hours each day will be 11 am to 8 pm, according to their recent Facebook post.
The Facebook post reads in part: "I am sure you have all had social distancing drilled into your souls by now but I will remind those coming down for the weekend to please be respectful and observe a 6 foot distance between your party and the ones ahead and behind you."
The entire staff will also be following the guidelines set forth by the Ottawa County Health Department and will be wearing protective face coverings.
As in previous years, the special winter weekend will also be used as a fundraiser, The local group that will benefit has yet to be announced.
Well all, we will be opening for our annual winter weekend this coming January 14TH through the 17TH (Thursday,...
Posted by Pronto Pup on Thursday, January 7, 2021
If you decide to go get a Pronto Pup this weekend, dress accordingly. There is no indoor area to order your food, and in the past the line has extended for a few blocks down the street. With the additional 6 feet of "social distancing" space between customers, that line could be considerably longer this year.
Pronto Pup is located at 313 S. Harbor Drive in Grand Haven.
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