Gearing Up For Spring Pan Fishing
Now that the weather has officially warmed up, its time to gear up for some spring pan fishing.
My son and I plus some of my buddies love to go fishing there is no doubt about it. I picked up a small fishing boat last summer so we could get to a lot more spots and a lot quicker.
So I go the boat batteries all charged up. Did a few repairs over the winter so now the front seat is firm, steady and stable.
I have been here a couple years now and have been primarily fishing in the Newaygo County area from lakes to rivers and have found a few decent spots to get a few fish.
This is the time of the year before the weeds take hold of lakes and many of the pan fish begin to spawn and it is one of the best times of the year to get the big ones.
Over the winter is a great time to locate panfish and a buddy and I got lucky this past winter and on the first time trying a lake, we hammered the crappie.
My buddy is coming up for the weekend and we plan on taking a few dozen minnows back out to that lake and see if we can find all the crappie that got away back in the winter.
I get my son on Memorial weekend and he and I have a couple lakes we like to catch some bluegills so that will be our plan. Plus, we may take a ride down the Muskegon River and see how we can do on some trout as well.
Many fishermen are already out but if you haven't gotten your gear together, now is the time. Get those rods and reels out, clean them, re-line them if you need to. Then check that tacklebox for the stuff you need and get out on a lake or river and catch you a couple nice meals.
One thing that is really nice about catching bluegills, sunfish, perch and crappie is, they are in almost every body of water in the Michigan and sometimes all you need is just a simple hook and worm to catch some of the most delicious fish the state has to offer.
My buddy and I did so well with the crappies back in the winter, there is enough left for a nice meal after we get done fishing on Saturday night. Hopefully we are cleaning some fish for another fish fry down the road.