Finally Got The Bike Out And It Felt Good
We have had probably the best bike season I have ever seen in Michigan, but once again I'm late getting to the party.
One of the things I look forward to every year when it is starting to warm up is riding my motorcycle.
Because of the pandemic, this is all some people could do, and as much as I would have loved to have been one of them, sometimes life gets in the way.
I live in Newaygo County and there are no shortages of motorcycles riding through the area. I know why - pick any road and go in any direction and its absolutely fantastic riding.
I get my son every other weekend so the weekends I don't have him, I have spent doing yard projects all summer and you know what...I'm still not done yet. The weekends I have my son, we have fished, swam, kayaked and spent most of the time somewhere on or in the water.
This has all left no time for riding this year. Yes, I could have been riding to work I guess but I work late a lot which means I'm driving home in the dark in deer country which is not a safe thing to do.
Well, I finally got the bike out this past Saturday morning. I wanted to get an oil change and get some new tires so I rode out to Hot Rod Harley Davidson in downtown Muskegon. While the techs were tending to the bike, I shopped around the store and checked everything out. The farmers market is right across the street so I popped over there and got me a walleye sub and it was pretty awesome.
Once my bike was ready, I took the long way home and got a couple hours in on those new tires and it felt great. I have a pretty good sense of direction, so I just started taking roads and enjoying the fresh air.
I don't know what it is about riding a motorcycle, but that forced fresh air sure makes me feel good. Heck, I even caught myself smiling for no reason just riding down the road.
Even though I missed out on most of this summer's amazing riding, there's still time left to put a few more miles in before I put the cover on the bike and get ready for another season on the road.