What the Hell is a Tasmanian Tiger and Do They Still Exist?
I was watching late-night television and saw a program about an animal I had never heard of or seen before called the Tasmanian Tiger. Do they exist or are they extinct? Let's take a look.
Late-Night Television
I am one of the few who does not have cable or satellite TV. I work too many long days to merit the cost. I live in an area where the internet is barely present and it's not good for streaming. If I turn my head too fast I can lose a call with my neighbor and we both have major phone carriers.
Yes, I'm still using an old TV antenna on the house so I am limited to what I can watch. I live so far from the CBS affiliate I can't get their channel which sucks during the NFL season and NCAA college basketball season.
So needless to say I am limited to what I can watch. I was watching a show where they were looking to see if the Tasmanian Tigers still existed and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Tasmanian Tiger
The Tazmanian Tiger is native to Australia and the islands of Tasmania and New Guinea. Scientists say the animal went extinct in the 1930s after bounties were put on them for killing livestock.
What is so wild about this animal it has characteristics of a tiger while similar to a large coyote or smaller wolf. The mouth of this creature is insanely huge and a killing machine.
The Tasmanian Tiger was known to be very secretive, to avoid humans at all costs, and hunt at night. They lived in hollow tree trunks, and small caves and would stay in the high country during daylight hours.
Over 350 reports of sightings have been made since the animal was reported extinct in Tasmania. Researchers have searched for tracks, hairs, and possible areas where the animal used to live and has been seen previously. They were unable to catch any on trail cameras but did find what appeared to be the tracks from a Tasmanian Tiger.
Several sheep have been found dead with the same type of injuries that led to the Tasmanian Tiger having bounties put on them.
You would think with as many trail cameras that were used to research if they were still alive, the cameras would catch one but the animal's sense of smell and desire to avoid humans could be the reason.
So, for now, the Tasmanian Tiger is extinct until either one is caught, a photo is taken or someone can clone one.
Below is a link to the show I watched and you can see for yourself the evidence that has been gathered and decide if you believe the Tasmanian Tiger is extinct or not.