Deer Falls Through Ice, Wyoming Firefighters Come To Rescue
Deer like to take shortcuts across frozen lakes but one fell through and the Wyoming Fire Department stepped in to save the day.
Deer and Frozen Lakes
Deer can be a lot like humans where we both will choose the path of least resistance to get somewhere.
I have seen deer cross a frozen lake twice in my day. Once was behind my parent's house while I was ice fishing. I'm sitting on a bucket catching some bluegills and a deer pops out of the woods on one side of the lake and she crosses to the woods on the other side.
The second time I saw it happen was in the Upper Peninsula. I was with my buddy Curt and we were fishing the last ice for perch and lake trout. There was no snow on the ice because most of it had already melted. Heck, we had to put some boards on the edge of the ice just to get the ATV on the lake. We are sitting there pulling out some perch while keeping an eye on our tip-ups and here comes a deer having a heck of a time to try and cross that lake. A deer's hooves do great in the snow, but on the ice, not so much.
Deer Falls Through Ice and Wyoming Firefighters Come to The Rescue
That takes some real cojones right there for a firefighter to get out on thin ice and in the water with a wild animal to save its life.
According to the City of Wyoming - City Hall Facebook page, a deer fell through the ice on Monday evening in a pond just off 52nd Street. The Wyoming Fire Department was quick to react and was able to save the deer thanks to Lt. Bennett, EO Kirby, and FF Wysocki.
Make sure if you plan on getting on any ice you check it at the edge first. Just because it's been freezing cold for a week doesn't mean the ice is safe. I plan on visiting two lakes this weekend just to test the edge and then make a decision from there since both lakes are spring-fed.
The 10 Commandments Of Ice Fishing In Minnesota & Wisconsin
Gallery Credit: Nick Cooper