As We Thaw Here Are Tips To Combat Spring Flooding
Every year there is a winter thaw usually followed by rain in the spring. All this water can cause problems with your home but here are some tips to avoid the flooding.
According to FOX 17, the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services alert the people of Michigan to prepare for spring flooding, storms and anything that may cause any water damage at your home.
Here are a list of tips you can use to prepare your home to be ready incase of a spring storm or any kind of flooding or power outage:
- Go over your insurance policies to make sure you have the right coverage. Contact your agent if you have questions or concerns.
- Make sure you have a detailed inventory of your personal property. It never hurts to have photos and receipts and even video of each room of the house in case you have to make a claim.
- Always have a list of important phone numbers from emergency numbers, family, insurance agents and insurance companies.
- Make sure you store all your insurance papers, insurance cards are either in a safety deposit box or on the cloud.
Things to do if you are hit with severe weather or flood damage:
- Immediately contact insurance company's hotline and or agent to report your claim. Make sure and assess your water damage and be specific so it doesn't lead to more damage.
- Take steps to protect the property and prevent further loss.
- Document the loss before touching anything. Take pictures or video of damaged items and don't get rid of them until all items have been expected by the insurance company agent.
- Try to deal with your insurance company directly to take care of your claim.
If for some reason you are unable to reach an agreement with your insurance company you can contact the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services to get further assistance with your claim and grievance.