6th Time 100th St. Overpass Gets Hit by Semi This Year
If only semi's could duck. Once again and for the sixth time this year, the 100th street bridge that crosses over US-131 in Bryon Township gets hit by a semi.
According to WOOD TV, police on the scene said the overpass pass was struck just after 4 a.m. Friday.
This accident happened just one day after the Michigan State Police advised people to not bubble wrap the the 100th Street Overpass. A Facebook group had planned the event... not sure why, but good thing the event didn't take place or this accident could have been worse.
Truckers have manuals that list the heights of all bridges to avoid crashes like this. According to the Michigan Department of Transportation, the 100th Street bridge is lower than most bridges in the state. No word on why this keeps happening when there hadn't been problems like this in years until this past year.
MDOT said there are plans to raise the bridge two more feet making it 16 feet tall. Funding has not be secured for the new construction.
Aside from this morning, the bridge has been hit January 12th and 23rd, March 5th and 24th.