10 Places in Grand Rapids You Can Get High on 4/20
We already know where your mind is going with this, and no, this isn't a place for you to go and partake in activities that are currently illegal in the state of Michigan (and the medical stuff is still technically illegal in the city of Grand Rapids). But, these are places that you can, literally, get high right here in our fair city.
These are the ten tallest buildings in Grand Rapids, according to Emporis.com. The first couple on the list won't come as a surprise to anyone, as they are the buildings that truly define our skyline, but some of them (like the courthouse) are a little surprising.
- River House Condominiums
- Plaza Towers
- Amway Grand Plaza Hotel - Glass Tower
- Bridgewater Place
- J.W. Marriott Grand Rapids
- McKay Tower
- Kent County Courthouse
- PNC Bank Building
- 77 Monroe
- Select Bank Building
River House and Plaza Towers actually have the exact same amount of floors (34), but the River House stands 61 feet taller. Also of note, Bridgewater Place actually has less floors than the J.W. Marriott (Bridgewater has 18, the J.W. has 25), but it's 16 feet taller.