Warmer Weather to Continue!
Spring doesn't officially arrive until Saturday, March 20th at 5:37 am, but it looks like the more spring-like weather will be sticking around prior to that.
We've lost a lot of snow over the last couple of days, and that snow melt will continue this weekend with temps in the 40s and possibly even 50 for Sunday -- which would be the warmest day so far in 2021!
The warmer temps are a nice change compared to what we've experienced so far in February. We saw below normal temperatures and nearly 30" of snow all in one month! I guess we were making up for the mild winter we had up to that point.
And things continue to look good for the upcoming couple of weeks...
The National Weather Service in Grand Rapids reports: "Conditions are looking likely for warmer than average temperatures for next week. Average highs are in the lower 40s, so 50 degrees looks possible. These warmer temperatures should slowly melt the snowpack we have in place."
And even better news -- there are no big storms are on the horizon over the next several days. We do have a chance of some windy conditions on Monday. We could expect winds of 20 to 30 mph with higher wind gusts. Combined with the warmer temperatures and the wind, that will definitely eat away at the existing snow. The good news is that this gradual snow melt helps to prevent potential flooding.
Get out there this weekend and enjoy this nice weather. As we all know, it won't stick around for long. It's too early to think that spring is here to stay (although it sure would be nice!).
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