Artist Who Did Colorful Take on Tommy Lee Nude Pic Is Cannibal Corpse Guitarist’s Wife
The Tommy Lee nude photo situation keeps growing more interesting.
As it turns out, the artist who painted a colorful version of the Motley Crue drummer's NSFW viral naked pic is the wife of one of Cannibal Corpse's guitarists. Her painting portrays Lee, 59, the same way he exposed himself on social media last week. However, his flesh is shown as kaleidoscopic colors in that familiar outline.
The drummer posted the original naked selfie on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook on Aug. 11. It was removed from the latter two several hours later. The artistic version also turned viral when Lee shared it after the full-frontal image the next day.
The artist behind the modernist take is Ziva Barrett, as reported by The Pit. She's married to longtime Cannibal Corpse guitar player Rob Barrett. Rob has been a guitarist in the death metal band since 2005 and had an earlier four-year stint in the group in the '90s.
Last week, Ziva responded to fans of her work by putting versions of her painting up for sale online. On Instagram, she explained, "I kept getting messages if there was any way for people to get a Black and White version of the @tommylee painting I did... Didn't wanna mess around with filters so I just painted another one, in Black/White/Grey."
She continued, "Already added that one to the shop with the same limited amount of prints available. Currently also am working on getting shirts printed. Should have that set up early next week. Tommy will get one of the originals, so, after he chose which one he wants I will make the other original available."
Lee's penis has been displayed publicly before, such as in the controversial sex tape that served as the basis for this year's Hulu miniseries Pam & Tommy. But the recent nude pic brought up an interesting point in Cosmopolitan. The mag opined of a possible double standard when it asked why Lee got a "free pass" for posting it due to the time it took to come down from Facebook and Instagram. Meanwhile, "for the past few years, there's been a steady stream of anecdotes shared by women, especially those who are plus-size or not white, of having their nude images rapidly removed," Jennifer Savin wrote.
Check out Ziva's shop on Etsy and view the artistic versions of the photo here. (Be warned, these are not safe for work.)
Motley Crue are now touring the U.S. Get tickets here.