
You Can Now Buy Positive Pregnancy Tests On Craigslist – Because Why Wouldn’t You Want Something Someone Else Peed On?
You Can Now Buy Positive Pregnancy Tests On Craigslist – Because Why Wouldn’t You Want Something Someone Else Peed On?
You Can Now Buy Positive Pregnancy Tests On Craigslist – Because Why Wouldn’t You Want Something Someone Else Peed On?
I've mentioned before that I find it really super gross when people announce their pregnancies on Facebook by posting pictures of positive pregnancy tests, but this is taking the gross-out factor to a whole new level. You can now buy positive pregnancy tests (you know, ones that have already been peed on by pregnant ladies) on Craigslist. I could barely even type that without gagging.
There Are Now Underpants Designed Specifically For Lap Dances – Because Of Course There Are
There Are Now Underpants Designed Specifically For Lap Dances – Because Of Course There Are
There Are Now Underpants Designed Specifically For Lap Dances – Because Of Course There Are
I'm going to warn you now, if you click through any of the links to the site that actual sells what I'm about to tell you about, you will see a video that is both NSFW and possibly one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever watched in my life. Seriously. I think I might be traumatized after watching it. But, it is a great way to market what might possibly be the most ridiculous product I've co
Top 9 Creepy Things Kids Have Said To Their Parents
Top 9 Creepy Things Kids Have Said To Their Parents
Top 9 Creepy Things Kids Have Said To Their Parents
So, this morning, I was reading about how there was a thread going on on Reddit about the creepiest things kids have ever said to their parents. So of course, I had to go through and read all of them to see what kind of weirdo stuff kids have said (I have a morbid curiosity, so sue me). Let me tell you, I had goosebumps several times reading the creepy weirdo crap that kids say to their parents. C