Great news for breast lovers: Victoria's Secret's brand-new "Miraculous" swim collection promises to increase the bust of its wearers by a two full cup sizes.
South African Model and Victoria Secret's Angel Candice Swanepoel demonstrates the effects of this technological break through in the video below, which is basically just a bunch of shots of her floating around and climbing out of
Fun Fact for ya: Scientists revealed that 92% of men dreamed about Cindy Crawford in 1993. The other 8%, George Michael. If you're part of that 92% bracket then check out this list from our good friends at HEAVY. Even if you don't agree on the order, you gotta admit; hot women on a freezing day does rock...
There are a lot of topics on which you might not want to take advice from lingerie models (rocket science, A-cup bras), but they seem to have a pretty good take on Valentine's Day. And if not ... well, you just spent one minute and 30 seconds watching a video of lingerie models. Only you can decide if that was a good use of your time.