In Harrisburg, Penn. a man named Jordan Dandy has been holding signs with messages on them such as, "Red or blue, I love you." and "You’re worthy of love."
He says that they might seem cheesy, but with the current climate of the world people might need some of that...
A South Carolina man got slapped in the face with a $525 federal fine for the most ridiculous reason in the world.
He was working construction at Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston, S.C., when he took his lunch and went to the cafeteria and refilled his soda. Well, apparently that was the wrong decision on his part.
This is real!
I may or may not have been looking at Perez Hilton's insanely silly gossip website when I stumbled across this video.
A church in Virginia wants to take everyone, back to their roots, back to the way the good lord made them, NAKED.