Former President Donald Trump will make an appearance in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Tuesday, April 2. During the visit he is expected to speak about the murder of Ruby Garcia.
Last week the ReAwaken America Tour stopped in Grand Rapids and some of the attendees have gone viral for their comments. Some in Grand Rapids aren't too happy with how they represented the city.
Dennis O'Hare starred as 'The Grinch' in the NBC produced musical, and there were a few stand out moments that were pretty weird. There was a fart joke, a Trump impression, and the Grinch had some pretty off-putting sexual energy.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
James Blight of Haines City, Fla. told police that he had been drinking whiskey all day and couldn't remember what he had be up to. Turns out, he stole a bulldozer and dug Biden signs out of people's yards - and ran over some poor woman's fence...
Blake's Farms, which has three family-owned orchards and makes Blake's Hard Cider, has canceled an event this Friday, saying they were not aware that it was going to be a political rally.