Is Tipping in Michigan Getting Out of Hand?Is Tipping in Michigan Getting Out of Hand?I'm all for making sure that service workers get tipped, but I think this is taking tipping culture way too far.Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
Hey Michigan, What's the Difference Between Gratuity and Tipping?Hey Michigan, What's the Difference Between Gratuity and Tipping?Great servers deserve great tips. So, does automatic gratuity mean tips are handled?Nathan ReedNathan Reed
How Generous Are Michiganders When Tipping? See How We RankHow Generous Are Michiganders When Tipping? See How We RankBig Tippers? Not only are we some of the hardest-working folks around, but we also appreciate our fellow Michiganders' hard work too.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Is It Actually Legal to Tip Your Mail Carrier In Michigan?Is It Actually Legal to Tip Your Mail Carrier In Michigan?can you show some love to the hard-working people at the USPS?Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Server Fired After Complaining On Facebook That A Church Stiffed Her With No Tip On A $735 BillServer Fired After Complaining On Facebook That A Church Stiffed Her With No Tip On A $735 BillShould churches tip when they order out? This caused a major argument on the show. Whose side are you on?Producer JustinProducer Justin