It is almost tax season. Before you get all excited about this year's deductions, make sure you don't deduct any of the following on your Michigan taxes.
So many people thought 2016 was the worst year ever, but we haven't even really begun 2017, and some new laws in Michigan are going to help keep things down. How about more taxes and fees? Yep, we got 'em! There are also some good things, too, though.
First, the bad. Taxes and fees are going up. Way up.
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk about the tax on beer going up, the shadiness behind it and the opposition to the hike, and the business behind the scenes crap. Where's the money REALLY going?
It's the season for tax scams. One in West Michigan is targeting Calvin College students.
Wood TV 8 reports that the FBI contacted Calvin to warn of a scam in which students are contacted by phone and told they need to pay an "education tax".
With the Presidential elections coming up...everyone is focused on the candidates and their platforms. They all have different ideas of how to do things, and they each have a plan for how to spend our money. But how much of your money are they looking to take from you? That's a pretty important question!