Sixth grade science teacher John King is teaching his students from a mobile classroom, which just happens to be an actual bus he purchased so he can do more with his students.
Source: CBS Local
Class clowns are finding ways to adapt during this time of online school, and the latest trend has been staging kidnappings while in class on Zoom.
Fox News reports that most professors and classmates seem to be completely unfazed by the whole ordeal...
A senior at Western Michigan University has no idea when he gets to come back home.
WDIV in Detroit spoke with Dylan Tullett who is in a village in China and stuck there for the meantime due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Tullet, a native of Grand Rapids, traveled to Beijing, before the outbreak happened, to study Mandarin...
Ryan talked about his diagnosis at 2-1/2 years old, his record of taking 21 pills at one time, the day they poked him 31 times to get his IV started and his 3.5 years of treatment to get the cancer to stay away.
On Wednesday, a Kent County Circuit Court jury found a former Catholic Central High School tutor guilty of four of the five felony charges she faced for having sex with a 15-year-old student, our news-gathering partner WZZM-13 reported.