
From The Bar Stool: Chicks Today Are Way Bigger S____ Than Their Mom’s Were Back In The 1960’s, 70, and 80’s!
I'm no stranger to weird nights drinking at various Grand Rapids establishments and I hear a ton of messed up crap! This is one of those tales. It's another edition of From the Bar Stool. I think people seem to think of the 60's and 70's as the time of free love, hippies, drugs and sex. But according to a recent study, chicks today, are bigger s____ than they were back then! I can’t remember wh
From The Bar Stool:   New Research!    These Are The Girls That Are Easy To Nail.
From The Bar Stool: New Research! These Are The Girls That Are Easy To Nail.
From The Bar Stool: New Research! These Are The Girls That Are Easy To Nail.
I’m no stranger to weird nights drinking at various Grand Rapids establishments and I hear a ton of messed up crap! This is one of those tales. It's another edition of From the Bar Stool." Ok guys want to know what kind of women are the biggest s____? Girls, this ones for you too because this applies to both men and women.