Everyone engages with Game of Thrones in their own way, many electing to stay off Twitter altogether, but those braving the timeline would likely notice SNL and Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones with some of the best live-tweets out there. Seth Meyers certainly recognized as much, inviting her to watch Sunday’s “Battle of the Bastards” and offer live-commentary.
Looks like Mickey Rourke is down with the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, because Seth Meyers did not skimp on the ice, the water, or the "bucket" on last night's 'Late Night.' Rourke appeared on the show to chat about next week's 'Sin City: A Dame to Kill For,' but things soon turned to more pressing concerns, like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that's been circulating lately...
One of our favorite Internet memes is Steve Buscemi Eyes.
No celebrity is safe from the scary, creepy peepers of Mr. Buscemi.
Until recently, Buscemi has been pretty silent about the meme, never really commenting on it.