Christmas Is Saved! Grand Rapids Santa Parade Is Back After Being CanceledChristmas Is Saved! Grand Rapids Santa Parade Is Back After Being CanceledTwo weeks after the Grand Rapids Junior Chamber announced they were canceling the Santa Parade, the city changed its mind.Lisha BLisha B
Ho Ho Nooo! Grand Rapids Santa Parade Cancelled for 2023Ho Ho Nooo! Grand Rapids Santa Parade Cancelled for 2023The Grand Rapids Junior Chamber officially announced that they are canceling the Santa Parade that was slated to happen in November of this year. Lisha BLisha B
It's Time for the Annual Holiday Parades in West MichiganIt's Time for the Annual Holiday Parades in West MichiganGet ready for the holidays with some holiday parades! There are parades in several West Michigan communities in the coming weeks.Scott WintersScott Winters
Grand Rapids Jaycees Cancel 2021 Santa Parade Due To Concerns Over Covid-19Grand Rapids Jaycees Cancel 2021 Santa Parade Due To Concerns Over Covid-19As first reported by our media partner Fox 17, the 2021 Santa Parade has been canceled in Grand Rapids due to concerns over the Covid-19 pandemic.Ken EvansKen Evans
GR Santa Parade Has Officially Been Canceled This YearGR Santa Parade Has Officially Been Canceled This YearStupid COVID-19 is ruining everything, including the annual GR Santa Parade. Due to new restrictions put out by the MDHHS, the GR Jaycees and parade committee decided it was best to say, "maybe next year, Santa." Rob SparksRob Sparks