In Michigan, the rules regarding the removal of sand from beaches are specific and vary depending on the location and purpose of the removal. Here's what your allowed to do and not do.
While Michigan beaches get a whole lot less traffic in the wintertime, they're still lovely! A Michigan State Park has shared photos of neat winter sand formations - and a dinosaur friend!
Did movies and TV have you convinced quicksand would be more of a regular problem in life? You're not alone. Turns out, it can (and has) happened in Michigan.
Today on Segment 16, the guys check out a story from Oceana county, where a family has been fighting a 150 foot high sand dune, that wants to wreck their home...very slowly.
Today on Segment 16, the guys talk a little about bad clothing decisions made during childhood, and then get onto the great debate with Joe about the prevalence of air pockets in sand pits that are just waiting to ensnare you.