21 Pomsky Dogs Rescued from ‘Unimaginable’ Living Conditions in Ottawa County Breeding Operation21 Pomsky Dogs Rescued from ‘Unimaginable’ Living Conditions in Ottawa County Breeding OperationTwenty one Pomsky dogs are now safe and getting the care they need after being recovered from an Allendale Township breeding operation last week.JannaJanna
#PeopleDoingGood: Cascade Community Helps Find Lost Dog#PeopleDoingGood: Cascade Community Helps Find Lost DogAfter a car accident, Anne's dog got loose and ran away. That's when we got to really see #peopledoinggood as the community started searching. Rob SparksRob Sparks
Man Had to Have Grand Rapids FD Rescue Him From Laundry ChuteMan Had to Have Grand Rapids FD Rescue Him From Laundry ChuteApparently, it doesn't work like you see in the movies.Rob SparksRob Sparks