Little kids say the darnedest things, it's usually because they picked it up from their parents, and this kid is no exception.
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She's practicing what she's going to say to dad when he gets home!😂 📹 @im.d...
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It's been a busy couple of weeks for our country since President Obama left office and President Trump took over. There have been things that people like, people hate, people don't understand, and people have made fun of.
But what are people from Michigan and other states Googling to learn more about?
Trying to pick up girls may be a daunting task for some.
But what about if you were to just straight up ask women if they wanted to have sex with you?
It would most likely not go so well and would probably get you slapped.
But what if you were to ask hundreds of women? You're bound to get at least one yes, right?