Is public coitus and cameras the new Netflix and Chill? Another pair of people facing public backlash for filming an adult film in a public library during operational hours.
Source: CBS2
PornHub is not only the purveyor of amazing internet one-handed typing material, but is also responsible for people sitting (or lying) still more often, only exercising one hand. But since they're givers, they've created a new workout system, to help you lose pounds while, I guess.
PornHub's marketing people are geniuses. Not only do they have great commercials, but they regularly release metrics about internet porn usage, which gets them a lot of attention. Genius. They love to show what people are searching for, and it seems most people search for Lesbian porn.
Because people are smart.
PornHub not only has some of the best advertising around, but they also love to share all the data they collect on people's consumption of their product. How many people are surfing for much has been downloaded, how long they've been hugging their horn, and more!
Pornhub, who had some of the most creative ads for a while, has been doing a LOT of ANALysis on the traffic to their site. What do people search for most, how long are they spending looking at these things, and where are they?
Then they broke out that data for us all to be completely embarrassed by.