He was a photojournalist for over 30 years but during the pandemic he changed focus. Steve Jessmore is now a winner in the 2021 Audubon Photography Awards. He won 2 awards!
Did you know that the Chinese police and military aren't super enthusiastic about people flying drones over their military installations?
Neither did Trey Ratcliff. He went to China, and was flying his quadcopter around without much issue, mostly it seemed the police were confused by the whole situation.
My buddy Jason is a photographer that works closely with Stellafly, a group that is all over Grand Rapids at the hottest events, Stellafly tracks everything and is everywhere!
Well Jason and I decided to have some fun with my new motorcycle and get a couple shots in over by the Kent Trails off Butterworth Street in Grand Rapids.
Check out the photos here-
Our pal David of David Love Photography is the king of capturing cosplay shots that wow us! He recently did a Game Of Thrones shoot, and this photo says it all! Check out more of Davids amazing cosplay shots here!
The model/cosplayer shown in the photo is known as, Heather1337- You can view the rest of her awesomeness on her facebook page here...
Cosplay photographer David Love keeps himself busy not just photographing people's magnificent costumes, but artfully creating the superhero world on Photoshop.
Unlike most cosplayers (like myself!), David doesn't just photograph the costume on someone in a lame parking lot across from a grocery store. He shoots in studio, and then through a lot of tedious work creates the world around the picture
This year's Sasquatch! Music Festival kicked off with a bang! Well ... OK, the weather wasn't exactly cooperative, as it rained on Friday and most of Monday, but that didn't stop thousands upon thousands of concertgoers from enjoying four days (May 24-27) of awesome music at the Gorge Amphitheater, one of the most beautiful venues in the country.
Among the acts on hand were Vampire Weekend, Mackle
Two of our AlternaChicks, Ashlie and Jasmine recently worked with one of my favorite photographers, Bill Strome! Bill is fantastic and the two of us have come up with some crazy stuff.
Because I am a girl, and I am the only one who cares I am in charge of making sure once a year we get some updated photos! This year we worked with renowned photographer Tim Priest. Tim has a studio in down town Grand Rapids where JT, Shaffee and myself gathered together for a few photos. The boys like to now refer to themselves as models, so if you would like to book JT or Shaffee for any of yo
Not too long ago I was asked to be a model for accomplished photographer Tim Priest's lighting work shop. The premise was simple, he taught amateur photographers about how to use light to their advantage. It was a pretty fun day, and I got back some cool photos, thought I would share a few...