Sick of the Fireworks? Here Are All the Michigan Petitions to Get Rid of ‘EmSick of the Fireworks? Here Are All the Michigan Petitions to Get Rid of ‘EmStill haven't decided which was more entertaining - watching the fireworks, or watching people complain about them on social media. AJAJ
Qdoba is Calling Out Chipotle for Making Guac ExtraQdoba is Calling Out Chipotle for Making Guac Extra#FreeTheGuacChristineChristine
Online Petition Looks to Sell Montana to Canada for $1 TrillionOnline Petition Looks to Sell Montana to Canada for $1 TrillionWhat are your thoughts on Montana? If you'd like to see it become part of Canada to help lower the national debt, have we got the petition for you.JannaJanna
Will SpongeBob Replace Maroon 5 for this Year’s Halftime Show?Will SpongeBob Replace Maroon 5 for this Year’s Halftime Show?Plenty of people were already suggesting someone other than Maroon 5 play at the halftime show this coming year, but the newest suggestion is the zaniest yet.Mike MillerMike Miller