Michigan is a pretty smart place with intelligent people in every corner of the state, but there is one word we seem to have a lot of trouble spelling.
The bubonic plague or Black Death, a bacterial infection that killed millions, has resurfaced in the US. Learn how it spreads and everything Michigan needs to know.
Three Michigan cities, including Hazel Park, have decriminalized magic mushrooms, joining two others in the state. Statewide legalization next for psychedelics?
Since 2018, someone has been leaving bags of human feces on freeways and roads in Oregon counties without being caught. Local police are asking people to keep an eye out for anyone or any vehicles acting suspicious.
Oregon Live reports that this is being taken so seriously, that there is a staff member, Code Enforcement Officer Dave Thomson, working nights now for the sole purpose of trying to cat
This guy was being interviewed in Los Angeles, Cali. about the wildfires and what his evacuation plan is, and he took the time to sneakily throw in a promo for his band.
That's certainly one way to do it.
Mr. Smith (we can't see his first name) is from Monrovia, Cali...